Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

Kelahiran 11 Juni Di Belahan Dunia...........!

1979 - Marthen Luter, S.Sos Guru SMA Negeri 2 Parepare lahir di Parepare anak dari Ruben & Naomi

1930 - Dr. Melly G. Tan, MA, ilmuwan Indonesia
1937 - Robin Warren, pakar patologi Australia, penerima Penghargaan Nobel dalam Fisiologi atau Kedokteran
1572 Ben Jonson was born on June 11, 1572
English dramatist and poet, 1572-1637
True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in the worth and choice.
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Ben Jonson quotes
1776 John Constable was born on June 11, 1776
English landscape painter. 1776-1837
I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may - light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful
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John Constable quotes
1864 Richard Strauss was born on June 11, 1864
German composer, 1864-1949
Never look at the trombones. You'll only encourage them.
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Richard Strauss quotes
1880 Jeannette Rankin was born on June 11, 1880
American politician She was the first woman to serve in Congress (1917-19), 1880-1973
The individual woman is required a thousand times a day to choose either to accept her appointed role and thereby rescue her good disposition out of the wreckage of her self-respect, or else follow an independent line of behavior and rescue her self-respect out of the wreckage of her good disposition.
More quotations from Jeannette Rankin
1899 Yasunari Kawabata was born on June 11, 1899
Because you cannot see him, God is everywhere.
More quotations from Yasunari Kawabata
1907 Paul Mellon was born on June 11, 1907
The horse is an archetypal symbol which will always find ways to stir up deep and moving ancestral memories in every human being.
More quotations from Paul Mellon
1910 Jacques Cousteau was born on June 11, 1910
French explorer, 1910-1997
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
More quotations from Jacques Cousteau
1913 Vince Lombardi was born on June 11, 1913
American Football coach.1913-1970
The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.
More quotations from Vince Lombardi
1920 Hazel Scott was born on June 11, 1920
Trinidadian born American pianist and singer, 1920-1981
There's only one free person in this society, and he is white and male.
More quotations from Hazel Scott
1920 Irving Howe was born on June 11, 1920
American literary and social critic and educator. 1920-1993
Imagination is not something apart and hermetic, not a way of leaving reality behind; it is a way of engaging reality.
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Irving Howe quotes
1925 William Styron was born on June 11, 1925
American writer and novelist, He is noted for his treatment of tragic themes and his use of a rich, classical prose style (Confessions of Nat Turner.). b.1925
A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted. You should live several lives while reading it.
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William Styron quotes
1926 Frank Carson was born on June 11, 1926
Someone threw a petrol bomb at Alex Higgins once and he drank it!
More quotations from Frank Carson
1926 Dave Gardner was born on June 11, 1926
American comic, 1926-1983
I've definitely been asked about some of the characters. These characters are composites. In general, people want fiction to be really simple, like, 'This is his life.' And it's just not true.
More quotations from Dave Gardner
1932 Athol Fugard was born on June 11, 1932
South African dramatist, actor, and director, b.1932
We compound our suffering by victimizing each other.
More quotations from Athol Fugard
1935 Gene Wilder was born on June 11, 1935
American actor, b.1935
A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.'This was said by gene wilder ... what does it mean ?
More quotations from Gene Wilder
1936 Chad Everett was born on June 11, 1936
You couldn't miss the bus, ... Everyone passed us on the way to the game.
More quotations from Chad Everett
1941 Ronald Young was born on June 11, 1941
She's desperate, and her personality is coming out, ... You can't disagree with her. She attacks and gets nasty.
More quotations from Ronald Young
1944 Barry Stevens was born on June 11, 1944
The net effect is we've increased our price to our customers anywhere from 11 to 20 percent,
More quotations from Barry Stevens
Barry Stevens quotes
1945 Adrienne Barbeau was born on June 11, 1945
When I see myself on film it makes me smile, I mean making a good living doing what I enjoy is soo much fun. I just hope that everyone has the chance to enjoy life like I do.
More quotations from Adrienne Barbeau
1949 Ingrid Newkirk was born on June 11, 1949
American activist, PETA President. b.1949
Recognize meat for what it really is: the antibiotic- and pesticide-laden corpse of a tortured animal.
More quotations from Ingrid Newkirk
1956 Joe Montana was born on June 11, 1956
American football player. b.1956
Confidence is a very fragile thing.
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Joe Montana quotes
Photo $4.99
(91 x 115 in)
1959 Hugh Laurie was born on June 11, 1959
English actor and writer, perhaps best known for his television comedy work with Stephen Fry. Currently starring as Dr. Gregory House on House; M.D., b.1959
I just feel like that's a young person's game. It's partly because you spend your whole time mocking authority figures, and once you reach the age where you could be a general or a bishop or a politician, it means something different. It stops being the kid in class doing impressions of the teacher.
More quotations from Hugh Laurie
1961 Caroline Quentin was born on June 11, 1961
Rearrange these words into a sentence: 'Tony and Gary are morons witless?.
More quotations from Caroline Quentin
1964 Jean Alesi was born on June 11, 1964
Fifty-eight-three in the summer, meaning in non-ideal conditions? Formidable, ... Valentino makes me dream and I say he has nothing to lose. Go ahead and try it. Everyone likes him, from the Italians to the Japanese.
More quotations from Jean Alesi
1969 Peter Dinklage was born on June 11, 1969
I had to shave my head for another project, and there's a very brief moment in the film when it's a wig, ... If you don't know which part of the film is a wig, that means they did a very good job with the wig.
More quotations from Peter Dinklage
1978 Joshua Jackson was born on June 11, 1978
I'm of the opinion that life doesn't always tie up neatly at the end of the episode.
More quotations from Joshua Jackson
1986 Shia LaBeouf was born on June 11, 1986
I understand why marriages break up over golf. I can't even talk about my own handicap because it's too upsetting.
More quotations from Shia LaBeouf

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